Dental whitening or lightening

Dental whitening Paris 14

Dental whitening Paris 14

Tooth whitening is a process that lightens the enamel of a tooth by using a bleaching solution (carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide). This solution is put in prolonged contact with the tooth and breaks down the pigments that have formed over the years.

To whiten the teeth allows to gain up to 2 shades in 2 weeks by an ambulatory treatment (at home) via custom-made trays. It is possible to repeat the procedure depending on the desired lightening and the initial shade. The treatment is painless and safe. The results are immediate and spectacular.


Is the treatment effective and long lasting?

Yes, it is a proven method. Everything that makes a tooth naturally beautiful is preserved. Depending on your lifestyle, the effect lasts from two to five years. After that, a short maintenance treatment can be proposed for a lasting result.

Are there any side effects or possible pain?

The patient may feel some sensitivities in the teeth, but these have no effect on their vitality. These sensitivities will fade quickly after the treatment is stopped and if the discomfort is important we can propose an analgesic treatment. As a precaution, tooth whitening treatments are not recommended for pregnant and nursing women.