3Shape Trios camera

If you are on iPhone, click on the name of the video to see the movements in 360°.


Our dental office is equipped with a 3Shape intra-oral scanning system for the comfort of our patients.
This intra-oral scanner is a real diagnostic and digital impression tool.

The 3Shape camera allows :

A co-diagnosis with the patient through a 3D visualization on a remote screen

A digital impression of the teeth, more precise and faster than an impression made with paste in the mouth

Send digital files to the laboratory to design the future dental prosthesis (transparent gutters, veneers, surgical guides, crowns and dental bridges…)

3Shape Trios camera

dentist paris 14

3Shape Trios camera

Dentist Paris 14


Time saving (few sessions)

Digital impression taking

3D design on computer

Metal-free and aesthetic dental restoration

If you would like more information, do not hesitate to speak to your dentist.

A large part of the dental prostheses made today are designed in 3D on computer.